Your First Published Book

Expert Guidance to Turn Writers Into Publishable Authors

This is Our Final Mentorship Program of 2021—Writers Accepted Until December 1.

Dear Writer,

You've worked hard to write a book that is both authentic to you and meaningful for your audience. While you deserve to celebrate, you may also be realizing how much work still lies ahead.

When traditional publishers take on an author, they make a huge investment in them. This isn't just the financial responsibility for editing, designing and printing. They also invest their expertise and their reputations. The traditional publisher's stamp of approval, as well as their network of sales people and marketers, is what gives high street book shops the confidence to put your book on the shelf.

Traditional publishers are very selective about who they work with, and are often inundated with submissions: Our imprints each receive several thousand more submissions per year than we could possibly publish. Many brilliant writers are frustrated time and time again. We created Exisle Academy to fix this disparity and give motivated writers a fair shot at the publishing world.

If you haven't yet been picked up by a traditional publishing house, there may be impediments in your work that you are not aware of. An experienced publisher will be able to help you uncover and overcome these, and build on your strengths so that you have a book that not only fully captures your message, but is also ready for the spotlight of global commercial publication.

Your First Published Book connects writers and aspiring authors with experienced publishing professionals from Exisle Publishing and EK Books. Together, you'll walk through a simple, three step process designed to help you get your book ready to be published.

"Exisle Academy empowers writers to negotiate the publishing jungle and keep on creating books"

Review by Christine Lister, Exisle Academy Student

"For the past thirteen years, I have aspired to be a writer. I am a writer. I can write and write well and have lots of ideas.

BUT… Six books published to little or no acclaim, or commercial success, meant that for the past few years, I couldn’t find a publisher even remotely interested in my work, not even the last chance saloon of publishing, me. The kind of books and themes I envisaged were not seen as commercially viable.

Feeling both me and my creativity were past their use by date, I stopped writing and was swallowed up by a hole, a big black hole. For nearly two years, the inertia and despair, magnified by that bastard bug called Covid, claimed me. The creative life I loved and revelled in, a thing of the past.

Suddenly a light appeared in the guise of an email from Exisle Academy about their mentoring program. Like a sinner wanting to be saved, I grasped at the opportunity. Anything to start writing again. And I have, but not in a vacuum, which has been the lonely plight for me and most writers I know.

The one-on-one access to Gareth St John Thomas for a few months, a highly skilled mentor with years of wisdom, experience and insight into the industry, was a precious gift. For me, the forthright feedback, particularly when it related to the commercial viability of my proposal, alternated with encouragement, and subtle suggestions for improvement, were all designed to stretch me, challenge me, bring out the best in me. And they have. I not only believe in myself again, Exisle believes in me, too.

The difference between Exisle’s program and the many others I have been involved with is that, first and foremost, Exisle is a successful and longstanding international publishing house. They understand writers, writing and the market. Second, their mentors are publishing personnel, professionals whose day-to-day business is publishing. They know what they are doing and why. Such a rare commodity in writing teachers.

Third, I believe this is Exisle’s way of paying it forward. Exisle Academy’s mentoring program is a gift with a belief in the future of books and writers. It is an investment in writers, not only to help them write, but to understand the ins and outs of the whole of the writing, pitching, publishing and sales and marketing process, everything needed to achieve commercial success.

Creativity on its own is not enough. Knowledge and access are power. Exisle Academy empowers writers to negotiate the publishing jungle and keep on creating books. In short, the mentoring program provides insider information about publishing that is not available in any other context.

Invest in yourself, so Exisle can invest in you."

Christine's next book, Goddesses in You, will be published by Exisle Publishing in 2022.

Our Seasoned Team of Publishing Professionals Has Helped To Bring to Life Over 2000 Successful Books for Adults and Children. Now It's Your Turn!

Exisle Publishing was founded in the early 1990s with the mission of giving a voice to writers whom the mainstream often overlooked. Ironically, we've since become something of a mainstream publisher ourselves, with branches in Australia, New Zealand, the United States and the United Kingdom, and a successful children's imprint, EK Books.

Despite our global success, we haven't forgotten our roots, and our mission. With Exisle Academy we want to guide people who have a message, who have something to say, but who may not yet have the knowledge, experience and industry contacts, along the path to making their book the success it deserves to be.

A Three Step Plan to Turn You Into a Publishable Author:

When you sign up for the "Your First Published Book" mentorship program, you will be invited to send your manuscript (or however much you have so far) to an editorial administrator. They will make a quick assessment of your work, and then assign you to a senior publishing expert specialized in your genre. Together, you will embark on a three step process designed to help you overcome impediments and get your book ready for commercial publication:

  1. Assessment: A senior publisher specialized in your genre will read your manuscript (or your sample chapters/introduction so far) and make an assessment of your strengths, as well as any likely impediments to commercial publication. They will look at your work with a publisher's eye and ask themselves, "How could we make this work as a major, commercial book?"

  2. Prescription: Within 7 to 21 days of sending us your book, you will receive a “Publishing Prescription” designed to help you build on what’s working and correct what may be putting publishers off. This will include specific advice, as well as video, audio and written (PDF) training modules from the extensive Exisle Academy library. These engaging training materials contain straightforward advice targeted at specific stages of the publishing process, like building a social media following, editing your work like a pro, or crafting an irresistible pitch.

  3. Consultation: Take up to one month to immerse yourself in the material you have been given before jumping on an approximately 30 minute call with your assigned publishing mentor. You’ll be able to ask all your questions so you can achieve clarity on exactly what needs to happen next in order for you to meet your writing/publishing goals. Many students describe this as like a light going on in a previously dark room. If you've struggled before, you'll now have confidence on the steps you need to take in order to become a successful published author.

Whether you have a full manuscript that you have been trying to get published without success so far, or you have a manuscript in development and you'd like to get yourself set up for success from the start, or you've tried self-publishing but now would like the support of a professional publishing organization to help you improve your product and reach a wider audience, "Your First Published Book" will show you the path from where you are now to where you want to be. 

Your First Published Book

Three Steps To Get Your Book Ready for Commercial Publication
Update: Registration is Now Closed


For VIP Support, Please Contact Exisle Academy Program Coordinator Nathan Thomas at [email protected]


A quick note on word counts: For children's books, we are happy to look at anything from just a few hundred words (or less) up to a maximum of 15,000. If you have a children's book that is over this length, please purchase the non-fiction option so we can assign adequate resources to look at your book in its entirety. Please send your manuscript to us in one word document, without additional materials. After you register, you will be given the contact details of an editorial administrator who will be able to guide you on the next steps and provide whatever support you need.

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