Journey to Publication

Our highly selective mentorship program. Partner with leading, traditional publishers to improve your manuscript, build your brand, and find creative and commercial success as an author.
Our senior publishing experts will take you by the hand and prepare you for a future as a successful published author. 
12-week online mentorship program begins in January 2025, flexible to your schedule and time zone.

If you are accepted, you will work in close collaboration with a senior publisher from Exisle Publishing or EK Books to bring your manuscript to a publishable standard and learn how commercial publishing works.

You will apply the learnings to hone your manuscript, prepare a submission package, finalise your manuscript and submission letter with your mentor and launch yourself for a publishing contract this year.

Your Schedule as an Author With Us

The 12-week program begins in January 2025 and includes extensive feedback on your book and comprehensive support across the entire publishing and marketing process. Here's what your schedule will look like, week by week:

Month One: Get Feedback, Make a Plan, and Learn How the Publishing Industry Works

Week One: Welcome! When you signed up, you will have been sent a detailed questionnaire. Now, you'll meet with a publisher to discuss your answers, chat about your book, and begin to make a plan based on your unique goals.

Week Two: Initial feedback and plan for success: Based on your mentor's exposure to your work and your goal, you'll make a plan to move forward to develop your book and brand and start moving decisively towards publication on terms that suit you.

Week Three: Your Book, Reviewed – Join your mentor for another 40-minute call to receive in-depth personalized feedback on your manuscript, interpret the progress you have made so far, and get guidance on the next steps.

Week Four: Video lesson on Getting Accepted – Learn about publishing options and how to strategically go about getting your book accepted by a major traditional publishing house.

Month Two: Understand How Great Books are Produced and Sold, Get More Feedback, Meet Key Industry Players

With renewed clarity and confidence, edit your manuscript and apply your learnings.

Week Five: Receive a self-paced video lesson on Book Sales – Understand how the sales department works get your book into the hands of readers who need it and drive royalties + sales.

Week Six: Group Q&A session – Join a small group Q&A session with your mentor and special guest experienced in your genre, get insider tips to accelerate your journey and overcome any doubts or fears that may have been holding you back.

Week Seven: Video lesson on Book Production – Gain insights into the process of producing a high-quality book. From working with designers to how (and where) books are printed, to the different types of formats, you'll become an expert in the physical side of publishing a beautiful book that will last.

Week Eight: Your book reviewed, part two! Throughout the course you will have been receiving detailed feedback and have been excited to apply it. Now, check in again for more feedback and marvel at the incredible progress you have made thanks to the new clarity and confidence you have. Publication is in sight.

Month Three: Finalize Your Manuscript, Get Media Exposure, Pitch Your Book to Commissioning Editors

Week Nine: Video lesson on Finding Your Audience – Learn from industry experts how to garner media attention and build your book's following. Imagine seeing yourself in your national paper, taking a taxi to your local TV News studio, or receiving that expected phone call from your favorite radio station. This doesn't happen by accident. Learn how publishers (and authors) can engineer media exposure.

Week 10: Final feedback review and action plan. Celebrate your achievements with a summary and guidance on future actions from your mentor. Prepare to create a sharp pitch that encapsulates why the world needs your book with pointers from your mentor.

Week 11: Pitch your book! You now have a polished manuscript and clarity on how to pitch it to publishers, so let's do it! Meet with commissioning editors from Exisle/EK Books and have your say. Receive feedback, and maybe even an expression of interest.

Week 12: Final meeting! One-hour Zoom presentation Q & A session with Exisle to respond to common questions make sure we have achieved everything you set out to. Receive your Certificate of Completion in the mail.

Start your journey today

Apply Now to Secure Your Place in Journey to Publication

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We want to facilitate your success and only take on authors for the program with serious prospects of publication with Exisle, EK Books, or other top-tier publishers. The program begins with an assessment to pair you with a senior publisher from our team specialized in your genre. Application is free. If accepted, you will hear from us within fourteen days. 

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If you are accepted and choose to proceed, your full investment in the 12 week publishing program is $2995 USD. This includes significant amounts of direct feedback on your manuscript, access to your mentor and training materials, and introductions to publishers, authors and others who can help your book succeed. Payment plans available on request.  Note, if you are planning to earn royalties and fees as an author, your investment in this program may be tax deductible for you. 

Journey to Publication Begins in January 2025, Flexible to Your Schedule and Time Zone

Apply Now

Have questions?

Have questions about the program or want to speak with a publisher first? Email [email protected] and tell us about your book.
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Here's what writers we work with say

“I particularly appreciate the specific examples you made in regard to what works and what doesn't. This gives me a solid base to work from and increases my confidence to revisit and rewrite the book. Thank you also for beginning with a positive comment about my abilities, which helped me to view the rest of your commentary in a positive light and not feel defeated!”

— Raine

“Last, but not the least, I wanted to express my great appreciation and respect to Exisle for being respectful, structured, and open to offer options and ways for new writers and illustrators to get insights and guidance on how to enter the world of publishing. 
That is truly advanced of you, guys, and deserves admiration.”

— Maria

“Working with you is the best thing I have ever done for my writing.”

— Rebecca

"I look forward to our next catch up. In the meantime, I am going to continue working through the video lesson. Between our catch up last week and after the first watch of the video, I can already see where I have gone wrong in the submissions process and am so grateful to be part of this mentorship program. I hope you have a good weekend. Kind regards."

— Sharon

“I went through the academy 2-3 years back. It has taken a long time but just today I was offered a contract by Routledge Press in the UK for my book. My journey started at Exisle.”

— Victor

""I am coming to the end of the Journey To Publication course with Nikita Gill and have had a fantastic experience working and reworking my manuscript with her. She made enjoy my manuscript and the act of writing all over again."

— Vanessa

“You've really helped me re-focus and have renewed purpose and passion.”

— Suchita

"Dear Simone, Thank you for getting back to me with feedback. It was helpful, succinct, and relevant. I really appreciate the effort put in. I can’t wait to put the suggestions into action. Kind Regards."

— Amy

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